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Research Interests 

Molecular Neuroscience: The central theme is understanding inhibitory synapses, with a specific focus on GABA (A) receptors. At present, my ongoing research aims to address molecular interaction partners of GABA (A) receptor subtypes. By the use of recombinant DNA technology, we are in the process of developing fusion proteins of GABA (A) receptor subunits tagged with green fluorescent protein variants such as EGFP. This will be followed by FRET analysis of the expressed constructs in model mammalian cells (in collaboration with Son Lab: Previously, I have worked on the membrane targeting of GABA(A) receptors. By the use of diverse techniques of molecular and cellular biology (genetic engineering, cell culture and immunocytochemistry, laser scanning confocal microscopy) I specified certain molecular domains found in the receptor subunits, likely to be involved in differential sub-membrane segregation of the GABA(A) receptor subtypes.

Molecular Neuroscience

The central theme is understanding the molecular mediators of inhibitory signaling, with a specific focus on extrasynaptic GABA (A) receptors. At present, the ongoing research aims to address molecular interaction partners of GABA (A) receptor subtypes. By the use of recombinant DNA technology, we are in the process of developing fusion proteins of GABA (A) receptor subunits tagged with green fluorescent protein variants such as EGFP. This will be followed by FRET analysis of the expressed constructs in model mammalian cells biology (genetic engineering, cell culture and immunocytochemistry, laser scanning confocal microscopy)




Research Methods in Biological Psychiatry
Science and Society

Research Methods in Biological Psychiatry

 At least 40% of all human genes are thought to be involved in building, wiring up, and maintaining the brain. In addition, many psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia show a strong degree of inheritance. However, despite current progress of genomic revolution, clinical psychiatry does not seem to benefit from post-genomic era as desired.  Thus, the aim is to identify new research strategies addressing to resolve major bottlenecks for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of brain disorders. Regarding this, a list of relevant papers about “imaging genetics" can be found at this site


Bio-sciences and Society

- Sustainable development and biotechnology: The main issues of sustainability, such as unemployment and inequality and how to address them by biotechnology is the central theme.  Fostering biotechnology entrepreneurship and especially student entrepreneurship is one ongoing project of this theme.  


- Genes, brains and behaviour: Emerging developments in molecular biology and neurosciences impacting on the policies of criminal law, medical health practices in general and mental health in particular. In this context, I am willing to further extend my research into the direction of societal implications of genome technologies and/or neuroscience for  the following goals:

 To examine the societal implications relating to

  • the attempted influence on human genome (and mind), in the light of the possible impact of genome editing technologies.

  • the influence of endocrine disputing chemicals (gender bending chemicals) and their  effect on the human behaviour

  • other themes of genetic engineering and/or mind control​

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